Thursday, 28 June 2018

All at sea

Despite it being a manifesto pledge the UK government refused financial support to build a tidal lagoon in Swansea. Effectively turning its back on tidal energy, a vast and unexploited worldwide resource. 

Tidal lagoon schemes have for some time been seen as an economically and environmentally attractive alternative to tidal barrages. The scheme that the UK government have given the thumbs down in Swansea bay had the potential to harness significant energy resources. 

The barrage was to harvest power from the height difference between high and low tides. Unlike other renewables, it would have been regular and dependable.

It worked by running water through turbines.  A technology similar to that found in hydropower schemes,  but with one key difference, tidal currents run in two directions, unlike rivers that only run one way.

If this new technology had been allowed to develop the UK could have been a world beater and there are few potential sites worldwide that are as close to electricity users and the transmission grid as those in the UK. 

Swansea would have been the ideal location for such a pathfinder project located as it is in the Bristol Channel and the Severn Estuary with one of the world’s largest tidal ranges.  Often reaching 10m. 
It was thought the scheme would generate enough energy to power 155,000 homes.
Many scientists and engineers have said that increasing integration of volatile, unpredictable sources of renewable energy such as wind and solar power could jeopardise the stability of the power grid. More certainty is required.

In order for the grid to remain stable the power generated at any instance has to match demand, therefore it is important that the transmission network contains power sources that are immediately available. While the sun may stop shining, and the wind can drop, the tides remain predictable – an obvious advantage for tidal power and a great help for National Grid forecasters.

But, alas, an English centric government has turned its back on Wales becoming a world leader in a new industry. Our planet needs such schemes and they will be provided. But the technology will eventually be purchased from abroad. When it so easily could have been a world-beating homegrown industry but for the timidity of Theresa May.

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Prydain Byd-eang

Prydain Byd-eang – dyna’r cysyniad mwyaf twp a welwyd erioed. Mae’n slogan sydd wedi ei fyffro gan y brecsidiers er mwyn ein hargyhoeddi bod hi’n bosib osgoi effaith negyddol ar farchnata o adael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd (UE). Ffantasi llwyr.

Yn ôl y brecsidiers yr UE oedd yn ein hatal o wneud fargen da ar farchnata gan fod rhai o’r gwledydd yn yr Undeb yn edrych ar ôl eu budd eu hunain ac yn sefyll yn erbyn unrhyw fargen ar farchnata bydd o fantais i Brydain. Dadl heb fawr o sylfaen.

Yn gyntaf mae gan y UE cytundeb masnacha gyda 50 gwlad gyda llawer mwy yn y lein pibell. Yn sicr mae gwledydd eraill yn fwy awyddus i gael cytundeb gyda’r UE na gyda Phrydain  gan fod e yn farchnad llawer mwy na  un Prydain. 

Mae marchnad mwy yn rhoi grym mewn unrhyw gytundeb. Mae 'na bryder yng Nghymru ar hyn  o bryd ar y ffordd mae Trump yn torri cytundebau a rhoi mur tollau ar ddur sydd yn dod o Gymru. Os oes gennych farchnad cymaint ag yr Unol Daleithiau America fel sydd gan Ewrop mae’n bosib creu digon o boen i wneud yr UDA ail feddwl. Nid felly fase hi pe bai Prydain ar ben ei hun.

Pe bai ni yn gadael yr Undeb heb gytundeb a chael y perffaith ryddid i ddelio ag gwneud cytundebau gyda  gwledydd gweddill y byd fase hun ddim yn dod yn agos i’r farchnad rydym am golli drwy adael yr undeb. Mae’n ffaith boed ein farchnad gyda Gweriniaeth Iwerddon yn  5 gwaith mwy na’r hun sydd gennym gyda’r India.

Na, slogan heb unrhyw sylfaen ydi ‘Prydain Byd-eang.’ Slogan i’n cysuro bydd popeth yn iawn ar ôl troi ein cefnau ar y farchnad sengl. Ond fel llawer iawn o beth sydd wedi cael i ddweud am frecsid, twyll llwyr yw.